JiaJia (Massage + HJ)

女人味十足按摩师,按摩绝对让你放松,专业抓根!!! Calling all massage lover!!! JiaJia is a Cute Girl next door who has extremely good attitude and provide excellent massage. Her massage is strong and powerful, making sure all your stiff muscle are loosen and your aching body been treated. With her massage skills and techniques, rest assured that her massage will be tip-top. Her massage is all rounded and covers every part of your body. Her sensual HJ will totally make you surrender to her, so massage lover looking for good sensual HJ, she is definitely the right choice. Don’t miss it, pick up the phone and call her NOW!!!



Jiajia Selfie Video

android, app, communication, interaction, mobile, phone icon85491678


call, whats app, whatsapp icon 85491678

★ Please tell her you saw her ads on [sgbeautycastle]! 约她时请说在 [美丽城堡] 看到她的广告! ★

Location:  Seletar Hill Estate (North East)

Bio Data
Name: Jia Jia
Age: 28 (Stated by her)
Looks: Refer to pictures & video
Height: 1.58m
Weight: 45kg
Boobs: 34’B’ (Stated by her)
Origin: PRC (中国)
Language Proficiency: Chinese & Simple English

Service Provided
☑ Head / Neck / Shoulder Massage [头部 / 颈部 / 肩部按摩] ☑
☑ Full Body Chinese/Thai Massage [全身中泰式穴位结合按摩] ☑
☑ Full Body Oil Tuina Massage [全身经络推油推拿] ☑
☑ Digesting Healthcare Massage [肠胃保养] ☑
☑ Back Kneeling / Back Stepping [跪背 / 踩背] ☑
☑ Guasha / Coin Guasha [刮痧 / 硬币刮痧] ☑
☑ Prostate Manhood Therapy [前列腺保养] ☑
☑ JG [专业抓根] ☑
☑ GFE [女朋友的感觉] ☑

✖ Strictly NOT Allowed: No Anal & RAW, so please respect her!!! ✖

Damage: $68/60 mins/Massage 


  1. Jiajia按摩手法非常好👍本人和照片一样漂亮,穴位按的很准,声音又好听,身心灵都得到了一个放松,下次还会再来,值得推荐👍👍👍

  2. Location quiet. Ample parking.
    Long walking distance for foot soldiers
    Massage 9/10.
    Hj 7/10
    Looks similar to picture , gentle, friendly.
    Very hardworking lady, press out all my knots
    Highly recommended

  3. 她本人和照片一样美丽,说话也很健谈,很有女朋友感觉,值得推荐,服务一流是一次美好的约会,一定会回头找她。

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