CC (Massage + HJ + BBBJ + CIM)

美艳迷人性感大奶美女,魔鬼火辣身材服务一级棒,意犹未尽打飞机口交口爆!!! CC is a pretty busty chio babe who provides full body massage. She is service orientated and go all out to please. She is well-trained and will give you a complete full body massage to ease all your tiredness and stress. Her massage is all rounded and covers every part of your body. During happy ending, she will give a superb sensual HJ & mind-blowing BBBJ cum CIM, confirmed shiok to the max!! Bros that are tired or need a real good massage to ease your painful body, and looking for an amazing spectacular happy ending, you know she is the right choice to go to. Don’t miss it, pick up the phone and call her NOW!!!


CC Selfie Video

android, app, communication, interaction, mobile, phone icon84341050


★ Please tell her you saw her ads on [sgbeautycastle]! 约她时请说在 [美丽城堡] 看到她的广告! ★

Location: Central (中部)
Environment: Massage Parlour (按摩院)

Bio Data
Name: CC
Age: 26 (Stated by her)
Looks: Refer to pictures & video
Height: 1.62m
Weight: 50kg
Boobs: 34’C’ (All Natural)
Language Proficiency: Chinese (华语)

Service Provided
☑ Shower Together [鸳鸯浴] ☑
☑ Full Body Autoroaming [全身触摸] ☑
☑ Nude Massage [裸体按摩] ☑
☑ Head/Neck/Shoulder Massage [头部/颈部/肩部按摩] ☑
☑ Full Body Authentic Chinese/Shiatsu Massage [全身中式指压按摩] ☑
☑ Full Body Oil Tuina Massage [全身经络推油推拿] ☑
☑ Lymphatic Drainage Detoxification Massage [精油开背 / 全身淋巴排毒] ☑
☑ Back Kneeling / Back Stepping [跪背 / 踩背] ☑
☑ Catbath / Sexy Body Massage [漫游 / 性感调情按摩] ☑
☑ Breast Massage / Breast Fuck [胸推 / 乳交] ☑
☑ Prostate Manhood Massage [前列腺保养] ☑
☑ JuaGen [抓根] ☑
☑ 99 HDLY [99海底捞月] ☑
☑ 69 HJ [69打飞机] ☑
☑ BBBJ / CIM [无套口交 / 无套口爆] ☑
☑ Silk Stocking Seduction / Uniform Seduction [丝袜诱惑 / 制服诱惑] ☑
☑ GFE [女朋友的感觉] ☑

⛔ Restriction: No FJ, so please respect her. Other Intimacies Depends on your chemistry with her!!! ⛔

Damage: $118/60 mins/Full Body Massage + 2 x HJ (Room & CD Included)
☞ Due to time constraint, it is impossible to finish all the service within the time frame. So you may mix & match the services within the stipulated timing ☜


  1. 天使般的微笑,魔鬼般的身材,温柔的服务,让我流连忘返。一小时的服务,有着聊不完的话题,从不冷场,有经过的话,一定会再来捧场。

  2. Visit CC 2nd time today and her service still as good as 1st time. A very hardworking girl and beautiful girl. Will keep going back to find her.

  3. CC 我的最爱,她的口爆果然一流。
    69 CIM 让我甜她美味的妹妹。

  4. CC is beautiful, tall, elegant and friendly. Massage was very solid and sensual with her magical hands. She is not a time watcher, ended my session with a head and shoulder massage after the firework finale. Very value for money. Confirm RTM if pass by

  5. 她简直就是上天派来的天使!我们在很多方面都心意相通,我简直被迷住了。她是如此美丽、甜美、性感,身材火辣。说实话,如果我能给你更多星星,我会给你整个宇宙……好好照顾这位公主,她值得你花每一分钟的时间。宝贝,希望再次见到你

  6. CC is a beautiful, sexy and hot girl, no different from the photo, and the massage technique is also $ number one, which is worth coming again next time. Friends can rest assured to find CC.

    1. 按摩很舒服。服务好,身材好,不赶时间。容易交谈,像跟老朋友讲话。我来了一次就一直想回去支持 😂

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