Tang Tang (Massage + HJ)

性感诱人的火辣美女,正宗按摩理疗和抓根,给你超级爽的打飞机!!! 糖糖 is a pretty sexy hot chio babe who does real good massage. She is hardworking, has amazing strength, stamina, skills, puts in a lot of effort, giving you the most powerful and relaxing massage you ever come across, so rest assured that you will enjoyed the entire session. Her JuaGen skill will help to improve the health being of your manhood. The way she give you HJ is super stimulating and sensational, confirmed shiok to the max!! So massage lover and bros looking for a good extraordinary happy ending after the massage, she is definitely the right choice, call her NOW!!


糖糖 Selfie Video

android, app, communication, interaction, mobile, phone icon82843736


★ Please tell her you saw her ads on [sgbeautycastle]! 约她时请说在 [美丽城堡] 看到她的广告! ★

Location: Central (中部)

Bio Data
Name: 糖糖 (Tang Tang)
Age: 25 (Stated by her)
Looks: Refer to pictures & videos
Height: 1.6m
Weight: 50kg
Boobs: 36’B’ (Stated by her)
Language Proficiency: Chinese, Cantonese & Simple English (华语,粤语和简单英语)

Service Provided
☑ Upper Body Autoroam [上半身触摸] ☑
☑ Ear Digging [采耳] ☑
☑ Head / Neck / Shoulder Massage [头部 / 颈部 / 肩部按摩] ☑
☑ Full Body Chinese/Shiatsu Massage [全身中式指压按摩] ☑
☑ ZhongYi Massage [中医穴位按摩] ☑
☑ Full Body Oil Tuina Massage [全身经络推油推拿] ☑
☑ Lymphatic Drainage Detoxification Massage [精油开背 / 全身淋巴排毒] ☑
☑ Back Kneeling / Back Stepping [跪背 / 踩背] ☑
☑ Guasha / Coin Guasha [刮痧 / 硬币刮痧] ☑
☑ Catbath / Sexy Body Massage [漫游 / 性感调情按摩] ☑
☑ Prostate Mandhood Therapy [前列腺保养] ☑
☑ JuaGen [抓根] ☑
☑ 99 HDLY [99海底捞月] ☑
☑ 69 HJ [69打飞机] ☑
☑ Silk Stocking Seduction / Uniform Seduction [丝袜诱惑 / 制服诱惑] ☑
☑ GFE [女朋友的感觉] ☑

⛔ Restriction: No BJ & FJ, and service not listed here. Other Intimacy depends on your chemistry with her!!! ⛔

Damage (Room Included)
⭐ $120/60 mins/Full Body Massage + 1 x HJ ⭐
⭐ $150/60 mins/Full Body Massage + 2 x HJ ⭐
☞ Due to time constraint, it is impossible to finish all the service within the time frame. So you may mix & match the services within the stipulated timing ☜

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