Xiao Ya (Massage + HJ + BBBJ + CIM)

甜美可爱的按摩美女,甜美脸孔娇小玲珑的身材,超销魂劲爆的打飞机和口交!!! 小雅 is a petite sweet looking chio babe who provides good relaxing solid massage. She is service orientated and go all out to please. During happy ending, she will give a superb sensual HJ & mind-blowing BBBJ cum CIM, confirmed shiok to the max!! Bros that are tired or need a real good massage to ease your painful body, and looking for an amazing spectacular happy ending, you know she is the right choice to go to. Don’t miss it, pick up the phone and call her NOW!!!


小雅 Selfie Video

android, app, communication, interaction, mobile, phone icon93960688


★ Please tell her you saw her ads on [sgbeautycastle]! 约她时请说在 [美丽城堡] 看到她的广告! ★

Location: Condo Around Serangoon Area (实龙岗地区的公寓)

Bio Data
Name: 小雅 (Xiao Ya)
Age: 24 (Stated by her)
Looks: Refer to pictures
Height: 1.6m
Weight: 55kg
Boobs: 36’C’ (Stated by her)
Language Proficiency: Chinese (中文)

Service Provided
☑ Upper Body Autoroam [上半身触摸] ☑
☑ Head / Neck / Shoulder Massage [头部 / 颈部 / 肩部按摩] ☑
☑ Full Body Chinese/Shiatsu Massage [全身中式指压按摩] ☑
☑ ZhongYi Massage [中医穴位按摩] ☑
☑ Catbath / Sexy Body Massage [漫游 / 性感调情按摩] ☑
☑ Breast Massage [胸推] ☑
☑ Prostate Manhood Massage [前列腺保养] ☑
☑ JuaGen [抓根] ☑
☑ 99 HDLY [99海底捞月] ☑
☑ 69 HJ [打飞机] ☑
☑ BBBJ / CIM [无套口交 / 无套口爆] ☑
☑ GFE [女朋友的感觉] ☑

⛔ Restriction: No FJ, and service not listed here. Other Intimacy depends on your chemistry with her!!! ⛔

Damage (Room & CD Included)
⭐ $110/60 mins/Full Body Massage + 1 x HJ ⭐
⭐ $130/60 mins/Full Body Massage + 1 x BBBJ with CIM ⭐
☞ Due to time constraint, it is impossible to finish all the service within the time frame. So you may mix & match the services within the stipulated timing ☜


  1. Understand from her that she previously only did massage with HJ, so new in terms of switching to providing FJ services. Amazingly huge natural and heavy E cups, good for stuffing your face into and \”suffocating\” in them…. Easy going for the FJ and allowed different positions, I \”exploded\” whilst she was in cowgirl position, overall a must-try for (mega) boob lovers

  2. Accomodating to different positions with no complains and wet.
    Overall: Great service,friendly and good GFE.

  3. Review for Xiao ya

    Looks: 10/10 (Same as per photo)
    Skin: White and smooth
    Body: Tall and slim. Girl next door model type.
    Kiss: Can French based on chemistry
    Abalone: Wet and horny
    BBJ: Nice and sweet
    Stereo: Nice moaning
    FJ: request lee me to pump her hard and deeeeep

    Overall, she is very accommodating, worth the $.

  4. Looks: 8.5/10 for me perfect like sexy clubber
    Body: 10/10 slim with S curve big butt and slim tiny waist
    Boobs: 8/10 not bad big natural C and small pink nipples
    BJ: 8/10 deep throat expert
    FJ: 8/10 not bad pussy wet and tight
    GFE: 8/10 good frenching she speaks very very good French
    RTF: already done 2 times – she even massage me

  5. 100%和照片一样。嫩出水。年轻可爱。笑起来迷死了。

    fj 10/10完美,看得出她很享受。叫声太美了。回味无穷。
    bbbj,10/10。 很特别。舌头很有力。


  6. Xiao ya has a pair of very full and admirable boobs. Loved watching the melons bounce as I pump her, or when she rode me. Simply amazing.Being young, she has that innocence look and tight puss, especially during doggy…

  7. Unable to make booking. Was told my phone contact was not in the “system”. Please advise how to be included. Thanks in advance

  8. 按摩力道足且用心,會關心你是否力道足夠
    Looks: 9/10
    Body: 9/10
    Massage: 9/10
    HJ: 10/10
    GFE: 120%

  9. This new picture is 80% accurate. New location close to MRT.
    Looks: 8/10
    Figure: 8/10 seems to have slimmed down after returning from chongqin, same shaven pussy perfect for fingering/69.
    Massage: 7/10 knows where to press and is hardworking: Keeps asking if her strength is ok and where should she focus on.
    BBBJ+CIM: 10/10 very very hardworking. Hard for me to cum today but no complaints just kept going until CIM. Ice+fire abit rush but still shiok. Suck you fry with wam water after shooting.
    RTM: 2nd time already. Will go back again.

  10. I like to have her because of her sweet and cute personality. Xiaoya always provided great and wonderful services Her boobs are huge and soft, very nice to play and hold. Her BJ is awesome and full of passion Her FJ is passionate and excellent. Her pussy get wet after my brother bang her in and out She very attentive and cooperative with all sex positions. Overall is worth of dating her

  11. 洗完澡后开始聊天调情,然后舌吻,互相吸奶头 -好吃,之后69-鲍鱼很好吃(好好温柔对待哦)
    之后忍不住戴上帽子爱爱了,紧紧的小鲍鱼把我的小弟弟填满了,插没多久就射了,之后我们还在一起舌吻口水都流出来了(感觉丽娜饿了),之后一起洗澡 洗干干净净 穿上衣服聊几句后 再亲一下 我就离开了。
    再不离开我真的会不舍得丽娜 ,要约她的兄弟们记得要全身洗干净和温柔对待她哦!

  12. 很舒服,人也健谈,很美。绝对会再去的。

  13. 照片真实,服务一流。几乎每周都有RTF。只要善待她,她就会对你很好。推荐给大家。10/10

  14. 小姐姐身体很好,喜欢大胸的一定会满意。声音明亮,皮肤很滑嫩,再加上口活非常厉害,非常爽!服务非常好,帮忙洗澡很会调情,也不赶时间,下次会再来约

  15. 一直没时间写评价,心里一直想着小雅,按摩技术是我见过的最棒的,很专业,人家比照片好看, 性格温柔,说话声音也很漂亮,女朋友上周感加满了!

  16. 小雅是个很甜的女孩!她公寓的环境得很干净整洁,房间也明亮。整体的服务绝对物有所值,尤其是她的口活,一个字“绝”。

  17. 跟图片70%像,确定是本人,你懂的女生都爱修图嘛!服务不错不赶时间,只怪自己没能忍着!有机会会再约👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿

  18. The massage technique is really comfortable. I have learned it professionally, and it is even better than the outside ones. She is very good at flirting. Like it

  19. 刚约了,认真工作,也很约会,真诚对待客人,

  20. 总算约到小姐姐了,原来前几天回国去休息了几天,她一回来回复我消息我就马上安排时间和她约会,很棒,没有失望,比预期的更好

  21. 我是她的常客。我喜欢漂亮的女孩,因为我不是很帅。她甚至放水给我喝。她对待我就像对待我的女朋友一样。太糟糕了,我不能成为她的男朋友。希望我快点变帅。

  22. 温柔美艳,不化妆比照片更加好看。态度一流。女友味,难得一见的美女,令人倾心。善良的姑娘家。善待她

    1. Nice place near MRT.
      Looks: 7/10 slight mismatch with photo
      Figure: 7/10 meaty with belly. Can roam everywhere, huge knockers plus clean shaven pussy tight when fingering.
      GFE: 10/10 shower and dry you, then tell you to sit on bed to dry your feet.
      Massage: N.A.
      BBBJ: 10/10 damn worth it plus cim. Fire and ice, cim, then use warm water to clean your barrel with mouth.

  23. Very beautiful, the service is very good, as gentle as gf. More will be returned! Please take care of such a good girl.

  24. 什么宝物,不想多说。




  25. 非常可爱的笑脸,总是愿意取悦。喜欢甜美而年轻的咯咯笑声,让我融化并如此向往。希望她能多呆一会儿

  26. 我有过的最好的按摩。我的疼痛关节得到了很好的力量。不是那些钢琴类型的女孩。


  27. 小姐姐很漂亮,按摩手法到位,重要的是不赶时间,很高兴的一次体验,下次还会光临

  28. 今天参观,对她的按摩和 HJ 非常满意。位置超级好,开车也方便。按摩很好!哇!!

  29. 我预订之前花一些时间。

  30. This is by far the most enjoyable massage and service i ever have. chatty and playful young girl. for massage i will rate 8/10 and for service she is very sweet that will keep asking u: feel good is this tempo ok? need faster or slower. she just want u to enjoy and your money is worth spend booking her. she is the one u should look for if u want good massage and service. NO HORSE RUN

  31. 照片看起来100%是同一个人,她在服务开始前用温暖的微笑迎接我并给我一个拥抱,可以适应我想做的任何位置,服务结束后她会和我聊天,感觉很默契一起

  32. 照片是真实的。地方谨慎而干净。她真的很友善、勤奋并且乐于满足我的要求!她的 BBBJ 简直令人兴奋。肯定会回来

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