Xiao Yi Zi (Superb Chio Babe)

美丽动人极品大波美女,火爆的身材服务顶呱呱,给你这一生难忘的爱爱!!! 小姨子 is a sweet looking superb sweet looking busty D cup chio babe that is service orientated, super eager to please and will treat you like her lover. She is a head turner that you will turn your head to look at her on the street. The moment you saw her, you will be so attracted by her warming smile and beautiful face. She has a very high sex drive and love sex so much as she is so horny on bed. She will fulfilled your sexual needs and you will definitely have a great time with her. Her BBBJ is superb as she will take her time to allow you to enjoyed the feeling of your dick inside her mouth, and she will continue to suck until you beg her to stop. When you bonk her, her cunt is dripping wet and super tight, really shiok to the Max. She goes all out to please and her GFE is so high that you will fall in love with her. Do not miss this rare gem, call her NOW!!!


小姨子 Selfie Video

android, app, communication, interaction, mobile, phone icon84052168


★ Please tell her you saw her ads on [sgbeautycastle]! 约她时请说在 [美丽城堡] 看到她的广告! ★

Location: Central (中部)

Bio Data
Name: 小姨子 (Xiao Yi Zi)
Age: 24 (Stated by her)
Looks: Refer to pictures & video
Height: 1.66m
Weight: 49kg
Boobs: 36’D’ (Natural)
Language Proficiency: Chinese & Simple English (华语和简单英语)

Service Provided
☑ Shower Together / Bath Oral Sex [鸳鸯浴 / 浴中萧] ☑
☑ Simple Massage [简单按摩] ☑
☑ Frenching [舌吻] ☑
☑ Catbath [舔奶头/舌尖漫游/指划调情 / 性感臀推] ☑
☑ Breast Massage / Breast Fuck [胸推 / 乳交] ☑
☑ Fingering / 69 Painting [摸妹妹 / 69舔妹妹] ☑
☑ Fingering / 69 Deepthroat BBBJ [摸妹妹 / 69深喉无套口交] ☑
☑ CIM [无套口爆] ☑
☑ COB [射身/射胸] ☑
☑ COF [颜射] ☑
☑ Capped Passionate FJ [戴套激情爱爱] ☑
☑ Silk Stocking Seduction / Uniform Seduction / Sex Toy Seduction [丝袜诱惑 / 制服诱惑 / 性玩具诱惑] ☑
☑ GFE [女朋友的感觉] ☑

⛔ Restriction: No Anal & RAW, so please respect her!!! ⛔

Damage: $150/60 mins/2 shot (Room & CD Included)


  1. 小姨子的嘴巴真的很会吸,屁股非常大,从背后操是最佳姿势,拍打着她的大屁股,她发出的声音非常好听,皮肤白光滑,一点花纹都没有,肯定没生过小孩,下次还要找她1

  2. Nuru B2B Massage+FJPerfect combination,Good things should be known to everyone👍👍👍

  3. 去了很多地方.都是直接来.真的像是做交易一样.干完就见不到人了.

  4. 是我见过最骚的.没有之一.服务态度又好.非常会聊天.我每次去找她都有聊不完的话.不仅能解决生理问题还能解决心里问题.很愉快的约会

  5. Good service.Be patient.Knows how to tease men. Very sexy. Big tits. She licks her nipples with her tongue, which is very exciting. Worth recommending

  6. 小姨子,真的有一种操自己家的小姨子那种感觉,她口口声声的叫“姐夫”不要,不要好刺激好🐔动,身材绝了666

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