Xiao Yu (Massage + HJ)

超正点的漂亮按摩美女,全身按摩和优质的服务,给你爽歪歪的打飞机!!! 小玉 is a pretty busty babe who provides full body massage. She is service orientated and go all out to please. She can do really good massage and he puts in a lot of effort in giving you the best massage, it feels so good that I’m sure it will helps to ease all your tired body and muscle ache with her soothing hand. Her HJ is so sensual and stimulating that makes you beh tahan. So interested bro, hurry do not miss this massage gem!!!


android, app, communication, interaction, mobile, phone icon98686966


★ Please tell her you saw her ads on [sgbeautycastle]! 约她时请说在 [美丽城堡] 看到她的广告! ★

Location: Clementi (金文泰)
Environment: Massage Parlour (按摩院)

Bio Data
Name: 小玉 (Xiao Yu)
Age: 28 (Stated by her)
Looks: Refer to pictures & BBBJ video
Height: 1.6m
Weight: 47kg
Boobs: 34’C’ (All Natural)
Language Proficiency: Chinese (中文)

Service Provided
☑ Full Body Autoroaming [全身触摸] ☑
☑ Head/Neck/Shoulder Massage [头部/颈部/肩部按摩] ☑
☑ Full Body Authentic Chinese/Shiatsu Massage [全身中式指压按摩] ☑
☑ Full Body Oil Tuina Massage [全身经络推油推拿] ☑
☑ Lymphatic Drainage Detoxification Massage [精油开背 / 全身淋巴排毒] ☑
☑ Back Kneeling / Back Stepping [跪背 / 踩背] ☑
☑ Guasha / Mosha / Baguan [刮痧 / 磨砂 / 拔罐] ☑
☑ Heat Stone Therapy [热石理疗] ☑
☑ Catbath / Sexy Body Massage [漫游 / 性感调情按摩] ☑
☑ Prostate Manhood Massage [前列腺保养] ☑
☑ JuaGen [抓根] ☑
☑ 99 HDLY [99海底捞月] ☑
☑ 69 HJ [69打飞机] ☑
☑ Silk Stocking Seduction [丝袜诱惑] ☑
☑ GFE [女朋友的感觉] ☑

⛔ Restriction: No BJ & FJ, so please respect her. Other Intimacies depends on your chemistry with her!!! ⛔

Damage: $120/60 mins/Full Body Massage + 1 x HJ (Room Included)
☞ Due to time constraint, it is impossible to finish all the service within the time frame. So you may mix & match the services within the stipulated timing ☜


  1. After observing the comments of this young lady before new year’s, I wanted to make an appointment to relax. A few days ago, I sent her a message. It happened that she just returned to work in Singapore. She made an appointment with the time and place. She was the same as the photo, not a fake photo. It is worth mentioning that the environment and atmosphere in the store were very good. Her massage technique was very comfortable, which made me feel very relaxed. I slept for a while. An hour passed. She treated the guests sincerely, was easy to chat, and the service was very good, and the attitude was very gentle. It was just like a girlfriend. I like that👍🏻

  2. 年前观察了这位小姐姐的评语,就想预约放松一下,前几天发信息给她,刚好她回家过年刚回来新加坡上班,约好了时间和地点,她本人和照片一样,不是假照片,值得一提的是店里的环境和氛围很好,她按摩手法非常舒服让我觉得很放松,按着按着都睡了一会,一个小时就过去了,真诚对待客人,很好聊天,服务很好,态度很好很温柔,就像女朋友那样的感觉,赞👍🏻

  3. Xiaoyu 手法轻柔而有力,从肩膀开始,每一按压、每一个动作都那么轻柔、熟练,

  4. 难得星期五休假没上班,在家也无聊,

  5. 听说按摩可以让身体松懈。就想起了小玉,好久没有找她了。信息问她刚好忙完有空。就约了小玉来一个小时按摩。趴着开始按摩背部,肩膀,腿,屁股。按摩很用心,力道不错,很舒服,不是弹钢琴的那种,值得!按摩手法是中式按摩,都是精油按的,最后还有头部肩胛颈项的按摩,按头的时候很舒服,有不小心睡下去一下。这个钱花的值得‼️

  6. 虽然她人小小只,可是按摩力道很大很舒服,

  7. 按摩技术是真的一流

    1. Awesome service from Xiao Yu. Felt that money well
      Spent. She went all out to make you feel at ease and accommodating to request. Pictures are some what accurate but doubt she’s 28 though. Also more of a B than a C. But definitely natural!

  8. She’s really awesome ! Service was good ,
    really enjoy with her today !
    Will come back and find her again.

  9. 最满意的一次约会,进门小姐姐会热情的打招呼,

  10. 小姐姐很温柔,很可爱。

  11. The photo is her sweet face and pretty , with a beautiful figure. The place is easy to find, quiet and clean.

    1. 今天约了小玉,人很温柔,服务超级棒,不会赶工,口活超级棒,一定再来!各位兄弟,这个是极品,约起约起,不约后悔哟。

  12. 小姐姐态度好很贴心

  13. 今天刚约了这位美女,她的服务很棒。

  14. 小姐姐身材完美很有气质,很有女朋友感,整个过程服务很舒服很刺激。

  15. just tried her this afternoon, her service job is really going to kill you, guys MUST Try her!

  16. 刚约了,按摩认真,真诚对待客人,

  17. 一次很好的体验看评论来的,结果真的和评论一样,各方面都让人舒服。

  18. Good skills and good massage service .
    Always has girlfriend feeling with her.
    Worth looking back‼️‼️‼️

  19. 今早看了评论就发了信息约小姐姐,约了真的超满意,

  20. Looks 样貌/颜值 : 9 / 10
    Age (Est) 年龄(大概) : 28
    Body 身材 : Slim Type
    Boobs 胸部 : C Natural
    BBBJ 无套口交 : 9 / 10
    GFE 女朋友感 : 9 / 10
    Massage 按摩 : 9/ 10

    Overall Experience 整体 : 9 / 10

    RTF/RTM 回头率 : Yes!

  21. Make an appointment when you see the beautiful woman’s comments. The place is clean, tidy and cosy. The atmosphere when entering the room is better, unexpectedly, the massage is very comfortable, full marks. I hope the beauty will maintain this kind of service. Make an appointment next time.

  22. 小姐姐态度好很贴心

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